Jeremy Duns and I sat in the bar very late talking about thrillers, how we write them and what inspires us. Yes, this photo is at 2am, as you can probably tell!
One of the many great things about writers’ festivals like CrimeFest is the chance to engage with other authors who are equally passionate about thrillers.
There was a fair representation from the southern hemisphere at CrimeFest 2013.
One such is New Zealander Paul Cleeve – the photo was taken on the morning after a big night, so no surprise we are slouched on the sofa.
Another Antipodean, although she has lived in Scotland many years, is the lovely Helen FitzGerald. Knowing that Helen is far from home, I asked her if she wanted me to bring anything from Oz for her. I thought she might ask for Vegemite or perhaps some TimTams (like the UK’s Penguin biscuits). But no. She wanted those delicioulsy naughtly Cheezels. So I pack of box of Cheezels, survive interrogation from UK Customs and deliver them to her, slightly battered and dented, at CrimeFest in Bristol. Here is a link to her post announcing I am now her FAVOURITE AUTHOR!
And it’s all because of the Cheezels! Has nothing at all to do with my thrillers. If only I’d realised before now that the road to author stardom is bribing people with yummy nibbles!